Saturday, August 15, 2009


On August 2nd, Kevin and I hosted a surprise
birthday party for my dad! He turned 60 on July 28th,
but Kevin and I were in Vegas, so we had them down
the following weekend.

Little did dad know, Matt, Kristyn, Jordyn, and Lauryn
were going to be surprising him in Bloomington on
Saturday night...

Sunday morning we managed to get the menfolk out
of the house, while we snuck all the guests in and got ready!

Here's the infamous Pineapple Turkey on display
at the Norris' home in Hebron... more on this later!

Family and friends huddled into the kitchen!
See video of dad's entrance at the end of this post.

After the surprise, everyone eagerly jumped at the
chance to eat! There's Bob, Cousin Pat, Uncle Scott,
Aunt Teri, and Matt.

The cakes!
Kevin and I loaded 30 skinny candles on each cake,
along with a tall skinny "60" candle, and either a 6 or 0.

It made for quite the flame.

Burning fast!

He took two tries.

Two cakes in two breaths... Not bad for someone
older than dirt! :)

The girls helping Grampy with his gifts.

Yo Gabba Gabba DJ Lance costume!
It was a hit!

Photobombed by Ian!

He knows what this gift is!!!

The pineapple turkey!!
*Legend has it Grandma Lenore Norris created this
monstrosity for some unknown reason. After the passing
of Grandpa Harold Norris in the mid-90s, Aunt Rocky
found this creation hidden in their home, and everyone
had a great laugh...

Little did anyone know, Aunty Rocky saved it. On Christmas
that year, Aunt Rocky surprised my mom with it! Thus began
the tradition of passing it around the family every year.
It's been dressed up and decorated for special occasions.
Kevin and I received it from Tom and Amy last year for our
wedding. Once you receive it, it must remain on display in your
home for an entire year. Then you pass it on to the next lucky soul!
Hey, I never said my family was sane.

Jordyn and a sleepy Wrigley

Cousin Amy and Ian

Mom and Dad Humbard!

Lauryn playing with the DJ Lance get-up

With DJ Aunt Melanie

DJ Matt, Lisa, and Bob

DJ Uncle Kevin

Norris siblings: (L to R) Scott, Terry, Rocky

Out of these three, Scott's the youngest!


Spryly jumping off the porch into his brother's
open arms?

Norris siblings and spouses - Non-traditional pose
(L-R) Denny, Rocky, Terry, Donna, Scott, Teri

Ian and Lauryn playing

Cousin Tom

Dad with the DJ Lance outfit


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was really surprised. With the sinus infection,I was not all there,so,I looked like I was drunk.If I had felt better, I prolly would have gotten drunk.

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