Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 in Review! (Part One)

June 2009:
Kevin wins a tennis tournament!
Taste of Bloomington with Here Come the Mummies!
Indy Zoo for Lisa's birthday!
Cubs at Reds for our 1st Anniversary, along with
dinner at the Hofbrauhaus!
Abbie and Eric's Wedding!

May 2009:
Dog birthdays (Piper - June 7, Wrigley - May 26)
Trip to Chicago - Millenium Park and Navy Pier
Trip to Michigan! Saugatuck, Holland, and Founders
The Graduates
Mother's Day

April 2009:
Homeward Bound walk in the rain
Dark Lord Day
Darbi's birthday in Muncie!

March 2009:
Meeting Baby Abby Perleberg!

February 2009:
Norris family trip to Wonderlab
Melanie's 26th Birthday!

January 2009:
New Year's!

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